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BreakFree Spring 22 Auditions: Day 1 - Auditions

  • PSB 245 Feeney Way Ithaca, NY United States (map)

ayooo breakfuture fellows!!!! Our team is so excited to be having auditions after spring break 🤩

Come out to the Physical Science Building (PSB) on Tuesday, (4/12) from 7-9pm where you’ll be learning choreography taught by BreakFree members!

We will be having a make-up day on Wednesday (4/13) from 7-9pm at PSB if you aren’t able to come to the first day of auditions! We’ll be doing the exact same thing on 4/12 and 4/13.

Callbacks will be held on Friday (4/15) from 5-7pm in PSB and are invite only.

We can’t wait to dance with you 🕺🏽💃🏻🕺🏽

March 26

BreakFree Spring 2022 Workshop Series: I

April 13

BreakFree Spring 22 Auditions: Day 2 - Make-Ups